Paediatric Growth Workbook

Case 4

Meet Susan

Susan is a 13-year-old girl, referred by her GP with concerns over short stature.

She is new to the GP surgery and her notes have yet to come across but the parents do not report any past medical history of note.

Her mother is just under 6' and her father is 6' 4". In contrast, Susan is just 146cm and her weight is 40.5kg.

Susan is somewhat reluctant to take her clothes off and it becomes apparent that she finds changing for PE at school difficult as all her friends seem to have started showing signs of puberty.

Her examination is unremarkable although you do note that she has no axillary or pubic hair and there is no evidence of breast tissue formation. Susan has not yet started her periods.

Multiple Choice Question

At this stage, which of the following are true? (tick all that apply)

You may wish to use this version of the growth chart at this stage.