Paediatric Growth Workbook

Case 1

Meet Daisy-Mai

You have been referred a 15-month-old girl because of concerns over short stature.

Daisy-Mai's parents are worried that she is shorter than expected and has been for some time.

They say that she drinks 3 bottles of milk a day and likes squash. She eats three meals a day but has always been a slightly fussy eater. She can seem intermittently upset but is otherwise well and developing normally.

She was born at term weighing 3.45kg and did not require any neonatal care.

She is not on any regular medication, has no known allergies and is up-to-date with her immunisations.

She has an older brother aged 8 who was recently diagnosed with diabetes.

Daisy-Mai's weight is 7.5kg and her height is 74cm

Her mother is 5' 4" and she says that Daisy-Mai's father is around 5' 10".

There is no evidence of dysmorphic features, her heart sounds are normal and her chest is clear.

Her abdomen is soft with no masses but she does appear to be bloated.

Image by Nic McPhee on Flckr, used under Creative Commons license (cropped)

Multiple Choice Question

Given the history above. Which of the following are true?

(you will need to use the 0-4 "Early years" and the 2-18 "School age" chart to complete this question)