Paediatric Growth Workbook

Case 2

Plotting Growth

Charlie's mother has kept a record of all his weight measurements in her diary. You will need to use the Early Years chart for boys to see how he has grown over time. A completed form is included to allow you to check your plotting.

12/12/12:              3.75kg (birth)

10/01/13:              4.5kg

08/02/13:              6kg, length: 60cm

15/04/13:              8.9kg

20/10/13:              12.5kg

09/06/14:              16kg

01/12/14:               19kg, length: 92cm

Are you surprised by how infrequently he has been weighed? Have you ever stopped to think about how often children's weight and height are measured?

Children born in Southampton do not have the length routinely measured at birth.

Attachment: Charlie's Growth Chart.jpg

Chart with Charlie's measurements plotted.

Multiple Choice Question

When does a child have their weight checked? Choose all the answers that apply.