Paediatric Growth Workbook

Case 2

Diagnosis (2)


This is an increasing problem and, in early years, can be masked by a poor understanding of what a normal weight and body appearance is. A survey of almost 3000 parents published in the British Journal of General Practice in March 2015 found that parents of Reception aged children (5-years-old) felt that their children were normal weight even when > 20% were overweight or very overweight¹.

Once children reach Year 6 around 1 third are overweight² and it is well recognosed that significant obesity in childhood almost always continues into adulthood and is linked with a marked increased in co-morbidity

As a rule:

  • Fat & tall = exogenous obesity
  • Short & fat = endocrine disorder
  1. Black et al. Child obesity cut-offs as derived from parental perceptions: cross-sectional questionnaire Br J Gen Prac 2015. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp15X684385
  2. National Childhood Measurement Programme