Neonatal Medicine

Neonatal Jaundice

Early jaundice

  • Physiological Jaundice is very common with almost all neonates affected
  • This is jaundice arising after 24 hours and resolving with 14 days (21 in premature infants)
  • It may require treatment with phototherapy
  • Jaundice may be more severe in: preterm infants, sepsis, severe heamolysis (due to Rh-incompatibility, ABO incompatability, G6PD deficiency, spherocytosis) and bruising (cephalohaematoma or subgaleal haemorrhage)</li>
  • In a child felt to be clinically jaundiced, the level should be checked and plotted on a gestationally appropriate chart (NICE Guideline on Jaundice)

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