Fits, Faints and Funny Turns

Wrap Up & Evaluation

Take Home Message

Teacher's Comment

For Funny Turns (undefined events)

  • In anyone (child, young person or adult) presenting with a ‘funny episode’ the history, and the history and the history  is the vital element.
  • An eye witness account is really helpful and should be sought where possible, this might require telephoning witnesses such as teachers or friends. Encouraging parents and family members to film a child (when it is safe to do so) is entirely reasonable.
  • It’s important to thinking about what was happening before, during and after the event.
  • If the event is deemed a seizure then eliciting whether this is focal, focal with secondary generalisation or generalised from outset is essential in determining next steps.

For episodes suggestive of seizures

  • In all children presenting with a generalised tonic clonic event the most important initial investigation is an ECG.
  • A blood sugar should be obtained in anyone still seizing.
  • An EEG would not necessarily be a routine investigation after one generalised tonic clonic seizure.
  • All children with focal seizures should have an EEG and MRI scan.

It is essential to discuss safety with all patients regardless of the cause of their events.  Providing written advice and directing to appropriate reliable internet sources should support your discussion.

The website 'Epilepsy Action' is well written resource aimed at parents and young people.